Graham and Roxanne approached Benjamin Allen with plans already approved for a very modern rendered dwelling constructed with a timber frame.
From the very beginning, they shared their ambitions of creating a very energy efficient airtight home – so we needed to incorporate an air source heat pump, photovoltaics, and high levels of insulation into the build.
Graham and Roxanne were initially looking to build with a German company but unfortunately the exchange rate went against them at the time the contract was signed. This hugely affected the budget, so they started to look at different construction companies that could still deliver what they wanted without compromising on their initial ideas.
They negotiated with the architect for the release of the copyright of plans, and then chose us as their preferred building contractor.
As Graham and Roxanne didn’t want to compromise on the quality of products they had already chosen, we worked with them to source high quality components, including their windows, doors, staircase, kitchen, and sanitaryware. We then negotiated with the suppliers to achieve competitive prices.
Our in-house carpenters created and assembled the timber frame onsite to achieve the best possible finish.
To meet Building Control regulations, the dwelling had to achieve an air tightness of 5.00 m3 (h.m2) @ 50 Pa. However, to achieve the clients’ own targets, we had to lower this score. We carried out two air pressure tests, one at weathertight stage and one at completion. The first test scored 2.02 m3 (h.m2 )@ 50Pa) and the second test 1.89 m3 (h.m2 @ 50Pa). It’s safe to say we met the brief!
The interiors are a blend of old and new, with some classic pieces from Graham and Roxanne’s previous home incorporated into the design. They even incorporated a lift into the build to cater for potential future needs.
Everything works beautifully together, and we and the client are delighted with the results.
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